select to display images onscreen at
about the same size as the original in a presentation
or on your web page. Also, use this for larger images
that you will reduce in size to include in a report or
presentation and print out on a normal color or black
& white printer with 300~360dpi resolution.
select to display images at a larger size
onscreen, or for any image to be printed out at
original size on a color or black & white printer with
up to 720dpi print resolution. Also, use 200dpi (with
black & white scan mode) for clear OCR text (larger
than 10pt); for smaller text, use 300dpi.
select when quality is critical and a lower
resolution is inadequate. Choose 300dpi for any size
image and for any use (to determine if the resolution
is too low, look for squares in the image; see below).
Also, use 300dpi (with black & white scan mode) for
optimum OCR results.
— Unless you have a specific reason
for selecting a higher resolution, we suggest you do
not do so, as the resulting file size may be very large
and take up a lot of your hard disk space. For
example, a 3" x 5" photograph scanned at 2400dpi,
true-color will result in a file over 240MB in size.
— lets you adjust the scan size in the preview
window, enter a width and length in the horizontal and
vertical size boxes, or select a fixed size from the list
box. You can scale the area by dragging the crop box.
The orientation option swaps the width and height
— The AutoCrop function is disabled by
default. Select this option to let the scanner
automatically determine the size of the image being
scanned. When AutoCrop is checked, the scanner
makes two passes. The first pass detects the image
size and the second pass scans the image.
Scan Task
— shows the number of previously selected
scan areas (maximum 10 task areas). To remove a
scan task, select the appropriate number of scan areas
and click
When scanning an image that will
result in a file size larger than
25MB, a warning screen appears
giving you the option to cancel.