WARNING: Inspect the area before
starting the unit. Remove all debr is and hard
objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. t hat
can ricochet, be t hrown, or otherwise cause
injury or damage during operation.
S Do not use a cu tting blade that is bent,
warped, cr acked, broken or dam aged in any
other wa y . Have worn or damaged parts re-
placed by your author ize d servi ce dealer .
S Always keep unit in front of your body.
Keep all parts of your body away from the
cutting blade.
S Keepthe cutting bladeand airvent scle arof
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain can cause severe injury. In-
spect the unitbefore use. Donot operate unit
with abent,cracked ordullblade ordullchain.
Keep aw ay fr om the blade/chain.
WARNING: The reciprocatingblade/
rotating chain is sharp. Do not touch. Topre-
vent se rious injury, always stop engine and
ensureblade/chainhas stop ped moving, dis-
connect spark plug, and wear gloves when
changing or handling the blade or chain.
WARNING: A coasting blade/rotat-
ingchaincancauseinjurywhileit continuesto
move after the engine is stopped. M aintain
proper control of the unit until the blade/chain
has com pletely stopped moving. Keep
hands, face and feet at a distance from all
moving parts. Donot attempt t otouchor stop
the blade or chain when it is moving.
WARNING: Falling objects ca n
causeseverehead i n jury. Wear headprotec-
tion when operating this unitwi th a poleprun-
er attachment.
WARNING: To prevent serious inju-
ry, d o notusemore than one boom extension
with a pole pruner attachment.
WARNING: Keep the pruner away
from power lines or electrical wires.
S Only use for pruning lim bs or branches up
to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter.
S Do not operate the unit faster than the
speed needed to prune. Do notrun theunit
at high speed when not pruning.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed
orwhenwalking fromone cuttinglocat ionto
S Ifyoustr ike orbecomeentangledwithafor-
eign object, stop the engine imm ediately
and check f or damage. Have any damage
repaired by an author ized service dealer
before attempting further operations. Dis-
cardblades that are bent, warped, cracked
or br oken.
S Stop the unit immediately if you feel exce s-
sive v ibration. Vibrationis a sign oftrouble.
Inspect thoroughly for loose nuts, bolts or
damage before continuing. Contact a n au-
thorized service dealer for repair or re-
placement of affected par ts as necessary .
WARNING: Keep hands and feet
away from the rotor when starting or running
the engine. Never attempt to clear the r otor
with the engine/motor running. Stop engine
and disconnect s park plug before unclogging
snow or debris from dischar ge c hute or when
adjusting vanes.
WARNING: Never lean over dis-
charge chute. Rocks or debris could be
thrownintothe eyes andface andcauseseri-
ous injury or blindness.
WARNING: Inspect the area w here
the unit is to be used. Remove objects that
could be thrown or damage the unit. Some
objects m ay be hidden by fallen snow -- be
alert for the possibility.
S Direct material discharge away f rom glass
enclosures, automobiles, etc.