S Use only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional att achments).
S Keep othe rs including chil dren, animals, by-
stander s,and helpers a t least 50 feet (1 5 me-
ters) away . Stop the unit i mmediately if you
are approached.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
trimmed before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which
can b ethrownbyor becomeentangled inline.
Hard objects can damage the trimmer head
and be thrown causing se rious injury .
WARNING: Disconnect the spark
plug before performing maintenance except
carburetor adjustments.
S Keep othe rs including chil dren, animals, by-
stander s,and helpers a t least 50 feet (1 5 me-
ters) awa y. Byst anders should be encou r-
aged to wear sa fety glasses. St op engine
immediately if you are approached.
S Use only for trimming, scalping, mowing and
sweepi ng. Do not use f or edging, pruning or
hedge trimming.
S Cut from your right to your left. Cutting on
left side of t he s hield will throw debris away
from the operator.
S Look for and replace damaged or loose
parts before each use. Look for and repair
fuel leaksbeforeuse. Keepin goodworking
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by an au-
thorized service dealer .
S Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in
any other way before using t h e unit.
S Maintain unit according to recommended
procedur e s. Keep cutting line at proper
S Use onl y 0.080″ (2 mm) diameter Poulan
PRO brandline. Never use wire, rop e, string ,
S Install requiredshieldproperly before using
the unit. Use only specified trimmer head;
make sure it is properly installed and se-
curely fastened.
S Make sure unit is assembled co rrectly as
shown in this manual.
S Make carburet or adjustments with lower
end supported to prevent linefrom c ontact-
ing any object.
S Keepothers away when makingcarburetor
S Use only recommended Poula n PRO ac-
cessories and replacement parts.
AND CUTTING AREA. Do not attempt to
clear aw ay cut material or hold material to be
cut when the blade is in motion. Make sure
powerhead is stopped and spark plug wire is
disco nnected (or powerhead isdisconnected
from powe r source) when rem oving jammed
materialfromthecut tingblade. Donot gr abor
hold attachment by the cutting blade.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
edged before each use . Remove object s
(ro cks, bro ke n gl a ss, na i ls, wire , str ing , e t c. )
which can be thro wn by the b lade or can wrap
around the shaft.
WARNING: Disconnect the spar k
plug before performing maintenance except
carburetor adjustments.
S Inspect entire unit befor e each use . Replace
damaged parts. Check for fuel leaks. Make
sure all fasteners are in place and se cure ly
fast ened.Maintain unit accor ding to recom-
mended procedures.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by an au-
thorized service dealer .
S Throw awa y blades that are bent, warped,
cracked, broken, or damaged in any other
way. R eplace parts that are cracked,ch ipped,
or damaged before u si ng the u nit.
S Use only recommended Poulan PRO parts
and accesso ries. Never use wire, wire
rope, string, flailing devices, etc.
S Be su re blade stops turning when engine
MENTS section of powerhead manual).
S Remove the blade before making carburetor
adjustmen ts. Hold the unit by hand. Do not
make carburetor adjustments from the blade
side of the u nit.
S Keep other s away when maki ng ca rburetor
adjustmen ts.
S Neverstart the unit w ith the c lutchhousingre-
moved. The clutch can f ly off and cause s eri-
ous injury.
S If blade st rike s a fo reign object, follow these
step s: stop unit and disconnect spark plug
wire (or disconnect from power source), in-
spectfor damage, and r epair any damagebe-
fore resu ming operation of t he unit.
S Never direct discharge of material toward
bystanders nor allow anyone near the area
of operation. Use care in directing dis-
charge to avoid glass enclosures, automo-
biles, and the like.
S Always keep the wheel in contact with the
S Keep all parts of your body away from the
blade and m uffler .
S Always push the un it slowly over t he ground.
Stay alert for uneve n sidewalks, holes in the
terrain, large roots, etc.
S Do no t force the u nit. Use only for jobs e x-
plained in this m anual. Use only for edging.
Do not abuse unit. Do not use in rain or wet
lo ca t i o n s.
S To reduce the risk of fi re, d o not all ow exces-
sive grass, leaves, or grease to accumulate
on the a ttachment .
S Object s struck by the cutt ing member can
cause seri ous injuri es to persons. The lawn
should always be carefully examined and
cleared of all objects prio r to e dging.
S Never opera te wi thout bl ade shield in place
and in good wo rkin g order .