(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Using SD Cards Transferring DJS Music to SD Cards
Chapter 8
Using SD Cards
You can use DJS to manage your songs—transferring them to
an SD card loaded in a DMP-555 or an SD card reader/writer
attached to your computer, as well as returning them from the
SD card to DJS.
8-1 Transferring DJS Music to SD
You can transfer music managed by DJS to an SD card loaded in your
SD reader/writer. (Check Out)
1 Connect the card reader/writer to your computer
and load an SD card (in the unlocked position).
2 Click [File] and then [Transfer].
• The [Transfer] screen opens.
• The songs in DJS (computer) are shown in the upper track
list and the songs on the SD memory card are shown on
the lower track list.
SD Card Reader/Writer
Please use devices that are compatible
with copyright protection functions.
(Check the specs of your SD card
reader/writer before connecting it.)
Administrator authority for the
computer being used is required in
order to use SD Memory Cards. So,
log on as the user designated as the
Computer Administrator before trying
to use them.
SD Card Unlock Status
[Transfer] Icon
If you click the [Transfer] icon, which is
displayed in each function, it shifts to
the Transfer Function.
The transfer function is not available
with Windows Vista.
Adding a Play List
1. Click [File] and then click [SD
Memory Card] – [Make Playlist].
2. Enter the name of the play list.
3. Click the [OK] button.
4. Drag & drop the songs inside the SD
card to the card play list.