(Contd. on the next page)
DJS Ver. 1.600
Creating Loops Made Easy Making a Loop
Chapter 5
Creating Loops Made Easy
The Create function makes it easy to set up and save loops
while monitoring the waveform display.
Making a Loop
Using the Create function, you can look at the waveform display and
visually search for the position you wish to set up a cue or loop. In
addition, dragging your mouse makes it easy to trim track hot cue
Click the song to use in making a loop in a track
list under the Music Management, DJ Play,
Ripping or Transfer functions.
• The song you click will be displayed highlighted.
Click [File] and then click [Create].
• The [Create] screen opens.
• The upper waveform display shows the whole thing.
The orange frame indicates the range of the expanded
waveform that is displayed below.
When more than one Song is
The first song is displayed.
When No Songs are Selected
After the Create function tries to
execute, an error message is displayed
and it returns to the original function
Expanding & Shrinking the
Range of the Expanded
Waveform Display
Click the [+] or [-] buttons on the
bottom left of the expanded waveform.
Or, you can expand or shrink it by
dragging the left/right of the orange
Moving the Range of the
Expanded Waveform Display
Drag the top/bottom of the orange frame
to move it.