JPEG files: shows the repeat range and ran-
dom setting.
DivX: shows the audio system, subtitle setting
and repeat range.
CD, compressed audio: shows the repeat
range, random setting and scan setting.
% Press DISP/BACK/SCRL to switch the in-
formation display.
For DVD video
Information display 1—Information display 2
—Normal playback display
For DVD-VR discs
Information display 1—Information display 2
—Disc name display—Title display—Normal
playback display
For Video CDs
Information display—Normal playback display
For JPEG files and DivX discs
Information display—Folder name display—
File name display—Normal playback display
For CD TEXT discs and compressed audio
Information display—Title display
Title display shows the text information of the
currently playing disc.
— For CD TEXT discs
Disc title (disc title), Disc artist (disc artist
name), Tracktitle (tracktitle), Track artist
(track artist name)
— Forcompressed audio files
Album title (album title), Track title(track
title), Folder name (folder name),
File name (file name), Artist name (artist
# Text information on the Title display does not
# When a Video CD featuring the PBC (playback
control) function starts playing, PLAYBACK CON-
TROL ON will be displayed instead of track num-
ber indicator and play time indicator.
USB portable audio player/
USB memory
You can play compressed audio files and JPEG
image files stored in a USB storage device.
! For details about compatibility, refer to USB
audio player/USB memory.
! In the following instructions, USB mem-
ories and USB audio players are collectively
referred to as the “USB storage device.”
Basic Operations
% Plugging a USB storage device and
1 Plug a USB storage device into the USB
Regarding the position of USB port, refer to
Head unit on page 9.
2 Press SRC/OFF to select USB as a source.
Playback will start.
# Use a USB cable to connect the USB storage
device to the USB port.Since the USB storage de-
vice is projected forward from the unit, it is dan-
gerous to connect directly.
% Selecting a folder
Press a or b.
# You cannot select a folder that does not have
a file saved in it.
% Fast forwarding or reversing
Press and hold c or d.
% Selecting a track/file
Press c or d.
% Returning to root folder
Press and hold BAND/ESC.
% Unplugging a USB storage device
Pull out the USB storage device.
You can disconnect the USB storage device
anytime you want to finish listening to it.
! Read the precautions for USB storage devices
and this unit in the following section. Refer to
USB audio player/USB memory.
Operating this unit