
interruptible, a safe time can be set, specifying
the minimum amount of time before a selection can be
Selections are now interruptible
after 0 seconds.
Do you want to change this (Y/N)? Yes
Do you want button selections to be
interruptible (Y/N)? No
*** Programming: done ***
Selections are now uninterruptible.
——— Options Menu ——-
L = view or edit button 1 Lamp inversion
I = view or edit Interruptibility
R = view or edit button 4 Reset
S = view or edit Slave Delay
C = Clear all button selections
M = go back to Main menu
Please choose a command: R
Button 4 can be either a normal
button or an instant reset button. If it is
an instant reset button, then pressing it will
immediately stop any other button’s program,
of the interruptibility and safe time settings.
Button 4 is now a normal button.
Do you want to change this (Y/N)? Yes
Do you want button 4 to be
an instant reset button (Y/N)? Yes
*** Programming: done ***
Button 4 is now an instant reset button.
——— Options Menu ——-
L = view or edit button 1 Lamp inversion
I = view or edit Interruptibility
R = view or edit button 4 Reset
S = view or edit Slave Delay
C = Clear all button selections
M = go back to Main menu
Please choose a command: S
Slave Delay is set to 0 tenths of seconds
Do you want to change this (Y/N)? Yes
How many tenths of seconds delay would you like? 10
*** Programming: done ***
——— Options Menu ——-
L = view or edit button 1 Lamp inversion
I = view or edit Interruptibility
R = view or edit button 4 Reset
S = view or edit Slave Delay
C = Clear all button selections
M = go back to Main menu
Interruptibility refers to the action of the pushbuttons
while a selection is playing. If the buttons are set to
be non-interruptible, they remain locked out while the
selection is playing. If the buttons are set to be inter-
ruptible, a press of a button while any selection is
playing will cause the system to immediately play the
new selection. It is also possible to set a “safe time”
during which the buttons are locked out, becoming
active again after the “safe time” period.
Button 4 (or Button 12) Reset
This function converts the last pushbutton (#4 on
the DVD-204; #12 on the DVD-212) from a normal
selection button to an “instant reset” function.
When configured for instant reset, pressing the but-
ton will cause the player to revert immediately to its
Idle function. Instant reset over-rides any button
lock-out settings. This function can be useful when
the selections are of great length, and the buttons
have been set to non-interruptable (locked out)
confirming button 4 is now instant reset
Slave Delay
Multiple Player Inst
When a DVD-204 / DVD-212 is used to drive more
than one DVD player ( using a special cable) the
Slave Delay should be set for 1 second (10 tenths).
This is to ensure that the slowest of the players had
had sufficient time to carry out its instructions. Slave
Delay refers to the amount of time that the players
sit on their first frame before actually starting to play.
If only one player is used, Slave Delay should be set
to zero.