1 Band indicator
2 News indicator
3 Traffic Announce indicator
4 FM-LINK indicator
This displays while S.FOLLOW is searching
for another FM broadcast station broadcast-
ing the same content.
5 Preset number indicator
6 Service availability indicator
7 Signal level indicator
8 Bit rate indicator
9 Text information indicator
a Channel indicator
b Frequency indicator
Selecting a band
1 Press BAND/
until the desired band (DAB-1,
DAB-2,orDAB-3) is displayed.
Manual tuning (step by step)
1 Turn LEVER.
Primary Service Component
Turn LEVER to the right.
Turn LEVER to the left.
Primary Service Component
Secondary Service Component
Secondary Service Component
Some individual services in an ensemble may be
further subdivided into Service Components. The
main Service Component is called the Primary Ser-
vice Component, and any auxiliary Service Compo-
nents are called Secondary Service Components.
1 Turn and hold down LEVER.
You can use the pause function to temporarily
stop listening to a DAB.
% Press and hold M.C. to pause or re-
! This unit stores recent broadcasts to mem-
ory automatically. The memory capacity of
this unit will vary depending on the bit rate
of the Service Component used. The ap-
proximate memory capacity is five minutes
for 192kbps.
! If the duration that a selection is paused ex-
ceeds the length of the memory capacity,
playback will resume from the beginning of
the selection in memory.
This function is disabled while time shift is on.
For more details about time shift, refer to Listen-
ing to a recent broadcast (time shift) on this page.
Switching the display
Selecting the desired text information
% Press
Ser vice label/channel and frequency—PTY
label/channel and frequency—ensemble
label/channel and frequency—dynamic label/
channel and frequency
! For more details about PTY list, refer to PTY list
on page 11.
! This function is disabled while pausing. For
more details about pausing, refer to Pausing
on this page.
! Depending on the band, text information can
be changed.
Listening to a recent broadcast
(time shift)
You can navigate through recent broadcasts
from the selected Service Component.
1 Press and hold
/DISP to switch to
time shift mode.
Press and hold again to resume the live broad-
2 Turn LEVER to adjust the playback
! Turn LEVER to the left to skip back one min-
! Turn LEVER to the right to skip forward one
Using this unit