SD memory card
This unit supports only the following types ofSD
memory cards.
! SD
! miniSD
! microSD
Keep the SD memory card out of the reach ofchil-
dren. Should the SD memory card be swallowed, con-
sult a doctor immediately.
Do not touch the connectors of the SDmemory card
directly with your fingers or with any metal device.
Do not insert anything other than anSD memory card
into the SD card slot. Ifa metal object (such as a
coin) is inserted into the slot, theinternal circuits may
break and cause malfunctions.
When inserting a miniSD or microSD, use an adapter.
Do not use an adapter which has metal partsother
than the connectors exposed.
Do not insert a damaged SD memory card (e.g.
warped, label peeled off) as itmay not be ejected
from the slot.
Do not try to force an SD memory card into the SD
card slot as the card orthis unit may be damaged.
When ejecting an SD memory card, press it and hold
it until it clicks. Take care not to release your finger
immediately after you press on the card as the card
may shoot out of the slot and causedamage or injury.
If the card shoots out of the slot,it may become lost.
To ensure proper operation, connect the dock connec-
tor cable from the iPod directly to this unit.
Firmly secure the iPod when driving. Do not letthe
iPod fall onto the floor, where it may become jammed
under the brake or accelerator pedal.
About iPod settings
! When an iPod is connected, this unit changes the
EQ (equalizer) setting of the iPod to off in orderto
optimize the acoustics. When you disconnect the
iPod, the EQ returns to theoriginal setting.
! You cannot set Repeatto off on the iPod when
using this unit. Repeat is automatically changed
to All when the iPod is connected to thisunit.
Incompatible text saved on the iPod will not bedis-
played by the unit.
DualDiscs are two-sided discs that have a recordable
CD for audio on one sideand a recordable DVD for
video on the other.
Since the CD side of DualDiscs isnot physically com-
patible with the general CD standard, itmay not be
possible to play the CD side withthis unit.
Frequent loading and ejecting of a DualDisc may re-
sult in scratches on the disc. Serious scratches can
lead to playback problems on this unit.In some
cases, a DualDisc may become stuck inthe disc load-
ing slot and will not eject.To prevent this, we recom-
mend you refrain from using DualDisc with this unit.
Please refer to the information from the discmanu-
facturer for more detailed information about
Do not leave the discs/external storage device
(USB, SD) or iPod in places with high
Compressed audio
compatibility (disc, USB, SD)
File extension: .wma
Bit rate: 48kbps to 320kbps (CBR),48kbps to
384kbps (VBR)
Sampling frequency: 32 kHz, 44.1kHz, 48 kHz
Windows Mediaรค Audio Professional, Lossless,
Voice/DRM Stream/Stream with video: Not compati-
File extension: .mp3
Bit rate: 8kbps to 320kbps (CBR),VBR
Sampling frequency: 8kHz to48kHz (32kHz, 44.1kHz,
48kHz for emphasis)
Compatible ID3 tag version: 1.0, 1.1, 2.2,2.3, 2.4 (ID3
tag Version 2.x is given priority over Version 1.x.)
M3u playlist: Not compatible
MP3i (MP3 interactive), mp3 PRO: Not compatible
Additional information