! When playing discswith MP3/WMA/AAC/
WAV files andaudio data (CD-DA) suchas
CD-EXTRA and MIXED-MODECDs, both types
can be playedonly by switching modebe-
tween MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVand CD-DA with
! If you have switchedbetween playback of
MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV filesand audio data
(CD-DA), playback startsat the first trackon
the disc.
! The built-in CDplayer can play backan MP3/
WMA/AAC/WAV filerecorded on CD-ROM.
(Refer topage 73 for files that canbe played
! Playback is carriedout in order offile number.
Foldersare skipped if they containno files. (If
folder 01 (ROOT)contains no files, playback
commences withfolder 02.)
! When playing backfiles recorded as VBR
(variable bit rate)files, the play timewill not be
correctly displayed iffast forward or reverse
operations are used.
! There is nosound on fast forward or reverse.
! When the displaysetting is switched tothe
text information bypressing DISPLAY, folder
name and filename automatically beginto
scroll in thedisplay. When EverScroll is set to
ON at theinitial setting, folder andfile name
scroll continuously. About Ever Scroll,refer to
Switching the EverScr oll on page 67.
Selecting a track directly in
the current folder
When using the remote control, you can select
a track directly by entering the desired track
1 Press DIRECT.
Track number input display appears.
2 Press 0–9 buttons to enter the desired
track number.
# You cancancel the input numberby pressing
3 Press DIRECT.
The track of entered number will play.
After entering thenumber input mode, if youdo
not perform an operationwithin about eight sec-
onds, the modeis automatically canceled.