Chapter 2 Setting a Route to Your Destination
2 Select “Yes (all)” and click the OK button.
The current route is deleted, and a map of
your surroundings reappears.
On this screen, you can also select the follow-
ing items:
Yes (one) :
Route is recalculated by canceling the
selected way point.
No :
Returns to the previous display without delet-
ing the route.
❒ You can also cancel the route by selecting
“Cancel Route” in the Route/Detour
menu. (To display the Route/Detour menu,
select in the Shortcut menu.)
Adding Way Points to the Cur-
rent Route
You can select way points (locations you want to
visit on the way to your destination) and you can
recalculate the route to pass through these loca-
Adding a way point
You can add up to five way points. This is
achieved as follows :
1 Specify the location you want to visit.
Specify a way point in the same way as speci-
fying a destination.
At completion of the location search, a mes-
sage is displayed asking whether or not to set
that specified location as the destination, or
as a pass-through location.
➲ Specifying the address and searching the
destination ➞ Page 19
➲ Searching the destination by map ➞
Page 28
➲ Other search methods ➞ Page 29 to 33
2 Select “Way Point” and click the OK but-
3 Confirm the contents of the list, select
“Done” and click the OK button.
Route calculation with the specified location
as a way point starts.
On this display, you can select the following
Add :
Switch the display to search for points. After
searching, add that point as a way point by
clicking the OK button.
➲ Specifying the address and searching the
destination ➞ Page 19
➲ Searching the destination by map ➞
Page 28
➲ Other search methods ➞ Page 29 to 33