micro mute system
Exiting Edit Mode
The normal way to exit from Edit Mode is to Press the blinking EDIT key.
The Console returns to Normal Operation Mode:
Other ways to exit Edit Mode:
If editing Next Scene(Mute/Pgm/Chan):Pressing GO puts the edited scene
into Active Scene and then does a normal exit from Edit Mode into
Operation Mode.Any * in the Next Scene display are maintained and also
transferred to the Active Scene.This exit actually doesn’t change the data
in the Next Scene memory (if STORE wasn’t pressed first), the edit buffer
is transferred into the Active Scene, the original Next Scene data remains
intact.This is useful for making a temporary change to a mute scene with-
out affecting the stored info.
Recall Last:
The RECALL LAST key is used to bring back the previous Active Scene.
This is useful when the operator jumps a cue and needs to get back to
where he was before pressing that GO button.There is a "last buffer" data
storage area that receives the contents of the previous Active Scene when
GO is pressed.This buffer is over-written each time GO is used; it is only
good for one recall at a time.The RECALL LAST sw will only be lit if there
is data available to use. If it is lit and then pressed, it will perform its func-
tion and then turn off until the buffer is again valid (next time GO is
Pressing RECALL LAST does the following:
.The current Active Scene is transferred into the Next Scene Display.
2.The previous Active Scene is recalled from last buffer and put into Active
3. Any edits that were performed on the previous Active Scene(if edited when
it was active) or on the current Active Scene are kept during this transfer(i.e.
Asterisks are kept as flags for changes).
4. MIDI info is sent if present.
This is the sequence of events that happens when the GO button or the
RECALL LAST key is used:
Press GO:
Current Active Scene (with edits & flags) is placed into Last Buffer storage
Next Scene Buffer is placed into Active Scene
Next Scene increments up, RECALL LAST sw comes on
MIDI data of new Active Scene is omitted
Press RECALL LAST (if lit):
Current Active Scene(with edits & flags) is placed into Next Scene buffer
Last Buffer is placed into Active Scene
LAST lite goes off (Next Scene # is previous Active Scene #).
RECALL LAST sw now disabled.
MIDI data of new Active Scene is xmitted
p. 57