
group assignment features
discrete group assignment switches 1–8
When the mode switch within the Direct Output section is depressed,the
stereo signal source disconnects from the channel’s post-fader point and
instead obtains its signal from the set of stereo controls located above the
assignment section.
sum switch
Configures the bus assignment switches to mono.The stereo signal is nor-
mally assigned to the group buses with Left to odd, Right to even.
mono assignment switch
Summed Mono Direct assignment of channel to Mono mix bus. Normal
signal source is post fader.(When mode switch depressed,signal is sourced
from section above assignment area of console).
left/right assignment switch
Assigns stereo signals to Left and Right mix buses. (When mode switch
depressed, signal is sourced from section above assignment area of con-
LCR switch
Reconfigures center of dual concentric image control from LR balance to
LCR Balance. Note: Left/Right and Mono assignment switches must also
be depressed for proper operation.
image width control—WID
When the outside control of dual concentric pot is turned fully counter
clockwise, signal is presented to Left and Right outputs as a standard
stereo image. As the control is turned clockwise, the image decreases in
apparent width while maintaining a constant power output. When the
control is at its center detent a summed left/right signal results. As the
control is turned further clockwise, the image begins to widen, but as a
reverse image. When fully clockwise, the full stereo image exists, but is
reversed: left source now feeds right side; right source feeds left side.
image balance control
Center control of dual concentric pot controls balance of Left and Right
stereo signals. When the LCR switch is depressed, a summed mono sig-
nal is fed to the center (mono) channel. Varying the center control will
determine the proportion of LR signal to the mono center signal while
maintaining a constant power output. Full CCW produces only L and R,
full CW produces only Center (Mono).
stereo input module
p. 11