44220000 PPoowweerr AAmmpplliiffiieerr
4200 is a 4-channel power amplifier designed for years of reliable‚ flawless operation under
rigorous use. This amplifier offers the sonic superiority and unsurpassed reliability for which Peavey is
famous‚ while remaining surprisingly compact. Advanced technology and extensive protection circuitry
allow operation with greater efficiency into difficult loads and power conditions. The SPS
Protection System) circuitry ensures trouble-free operation into loads as low as 4 Ohms. This amplifier
is ideal for paging systems, foreground and background music distribution as well as other
applications that may require multiple zones. Each channel delivers 200 Watts of power!
Although the ICS 4200 amplifier is quite simple to operate and is housed in ultra-strong steel chassis,
improper use can be dangerous. This amplifier is very high-powered and can put out high voltages
and sizable currents. Always use safe operating techniques when operating this amplifier.
·· 44--cchhaannnneell ppoowweerr aammpp ssyysstteemm
200 WATTS RMS per channel
·· LLooww ZZ ((44 oorr 88 OOhhmmss)) oorr 7700 VV oouuttppuutt
—selectable in 2-channel pairs
·· DDeeddiiccaatteedd EEuurroo--ttyyppee‚‚ eelleeccttrroonniiccaallllyy--bbaallaanncceedd iinnppuutt ccoonnnneeccttoorrss
·· TTwwoo iinnppuutt ppoorrttss:: aacccceeppttss MMMMAA
pplluugg--iinn iinnppuutt mmoodduulleess
—dip-switch selectable to any channel
·· FFrroonntt ppaanneell ddeetteenntteedd lleevveell ccoonnttrroollss
—with security cover
·· FFrroonntt ppaanneell AACC ppoowweerr sswwiittcchh//cciirrccuuiitt bbrreeaakkeerr
·· SShhoorrtt cciirrccuuiitt aanndd tthheerrmmaall pprrootteeccttiioonn cciirrccuuiittrryy
·· RRuuggggeedd‚‚ rraacckk--mmoouunntt ddeessiiggnn
2U rack space
·· 22--ssppeeeedd ffaann--ccoooolleedd ddeessiiggnn
·· FFrroonntt ppaanneell LLEEDD iinnddiiccaattoorrss ppeerr cchhaannnneell::
signal & clip
Upon unpacking, inspect the amplifier. If you find any damage, notify your supplier immediately. Only
the consignee may institute a claim with the carrier for damage incurred during shipping. Be sure to
save the carton and all packing materials. Should you ever need to ship the unit back to Peavey
Electronics, one of its offices, service centers, or the supplier, use only the original factory packing. If
the shipping carton is unavailable, contact Peavey to obtain a replacement.
The ICS 4200 amplifier will mount in standard 19" racks.
SSeeccuurriittyy CCoovveerr
A security cover is provided to prevent inadvertent level adjustments. It is designed to permit
monitoring of the various LEDs without removal. To remove the cover‚ simply remove the Phillips-head
mounting screw.
CCoooolliinngg RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
The ICS 4200 amplifier uses a forced-air cooling system to maintain a low, even operating
temperature. Air is drawn into the amplifier via a fan located in the back of the unit and courses
through the cooling fins of the tunnel-configured channel heat sinks. The air then exhausts through
the front panel slots. If the heat sinks get too hot‚ a sensing circuit will activate the protective muting
system to protect the amplifier. When the internal temperature reaches a safe level‚ the amplifier will
automatically return to normal operation. It is important that both the front and rear of the unit have
enough space to allow the cooling air to enter and escape. If the amp is rack mounted, do not use
doors or covers on the front of the rack; the intake air must flow without resistance. If you are using
racks with closed backs, make sure that there is one (1) standard rack space opening for every three
mounted power amplifiers. If not rack-mounted‚ allow 6" of clearance on all sides.