
BBrriiddggeedd MMooddee
A pair of amplifiers may be bridged together to make a single output with a power rating equal to the
sum of both channel power ratings at twice the load rating of a single channel. In other words‚
bridging two amplifiers rated for 200 Watts into 4 Ohms will produce 400 Watts into 8 Ohms. In
Bridged Mode‚ the channels operate at opposite polarity from each other so that one channel pushes
and the other pulls equally. This mode sends the input signal to one channel and the same signal
with its polarity reversed to the other channel in the pair (A/B or C/D). For example‚ connect the input
signal to Channel A input connector. Then‚ connect a jumper wire from the
ppoossiittiivvee ((++))
terminal of the
Channel A input connector to the
nneeggaattiivvee ((--))
terminal of the Channel B input connector. Likewise‚
connect a jumper wire from the
nneeggaattiivvee ((--))
terminal of the Channel A input connector to the
ppoossiittiivvee ((++))
terminal of the Channel B input connector. (See below.)
channel level controls (in
this example‚ A & B) MUST be used to control the signal level and
MUST be set at the same
position. The input level controls are detented to match these settings precisely.
NNoottee:: DDuuee ttoo tthhee uunniiqquuee iinnppuutt ttooppoollooggyy tthhee mmoodduullee ppoorrttss CCAANN NNOOTT bbee sseett uupp ttoo
ddrriivvee tthhee aammpplliiffiieerr iinn BBrriiddggeedd MMooddee..
The loudspeaker load is connected only to the designated positive (+) output terminals of the bridged
channels. NEVER ground either side of the loudspeaker load cable when the amplifier is in Bridged
Mode as both sides are “hot.” If an output patch panel is used‚ all connections must be isolated from
each other and from the panel. In the Low Z output mode‚ the minimum nominal load impedance in
Bridged Mode is 8 Ohms; this is equivalent to driving both bridged channels at 4 Ohms. In the 70 V
output mode‚ the bridged output is 140 V and the minimum load impedance in Bridged Mode is 50
Ohms. Driving loads of lesser impedance may activate the protective muting system. See OUTPUT
MODES below.
NNoottee:: RReeggaarrddlleessss ooff ooppeerraattiinngg mmooddeess NNEEVVEERR ccoonnnneecctt tthhee aammpplliiffiieerr oouuttppuuttss ttooggeetthheerr..
CCaauuttiioonn:: OOuuttppuutt vvoollttaaggeess ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann 112200 VV RRMMSS aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee bbeettwweeeenn tthhee bbrriiddggeedd
tteerrmmiinnaallss.. CCLLAASSSS 33 wwiirriinngg mmuusstt bbee uusseedd iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh nnaattiioonnaall aanndd llooccaall ccooddeess
ttoo ccoonnnneecctt tthhee lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr ssyysstteemm..
WWaarrnniinngg:: TThhee lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr oouuttppuutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss ooff tthhiiss aammpplliiffiieerr aarree hhaazzaarrddoouuss wwhheenn lliivvee
aanndd pprreesseenntt aa sshhoocckk hhaazzaarrdd wwhheenn tthheeyy aarree eenneerrggiizzeedd.. TTaakkee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg pprreeccaauuttiioonnss::
1. Do not touch any bare wires that are connected to the loudspeaker output connectors.
2. Use insulated loudspeaker cables and touch-proof connectors on the loudspeakers.
3. Do not attempt to make connections to the output connectors or the loudspeaker
connectors when the amplifier is turned on.
4. Double-check all connections and make sure there are no exposed wires or connectors
before turning the amplifier on.
5. Make sure there are no frayed-cables or wires and that all connections are tight and secure
every time before turning the amplifier on.
6. External wiring connected to these terminals requires installation by a trained person or
the use of ready-made leads or cords.