ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Control Initialized bit (145)… Tells ACR-MOTIONMAX that the machine is initialized (Drives
Ready) and ready to Run. Insert your Drive Ready and any other initialization code in this function
(30000) to inform ACR-MOTIONMAX that initialization is complete and the machine is ready to run.
Program1 is the Main AcroBasic Program, all MS & T Codes are sent from ACR-MOTIONMAX and
processed in Program1 as shown.
ACR-MOTIONMAX AcroBasic Project Template Files
When ACR-MOTIONMAX is installed it will install an AcroBasic Template Project so the end user can
insert AcroBasic code into ACR-MOTIONMAX’s Predefined Structure of programs and subroutines to
form a repeatable control system. This Project is located in…
“C:\Program files\Parker\ACR-MOTIONMAX\AcroBasicFiles”
…and contains 5 files. Copy these files to your Acroview Default Project Folder.
AcroBasic Template Files list:
Prog0.8k: Sets Axis and Variable Definitions and Axis Homing and Spindle Orient Subroutines.
Prog1.8k: Contains the M S T Code Processing Code, and all other General Machine Functions.
PLC0.8k: Contains a Sample Lube System Code Ladder Program.
Sys.8k Defines System Memory Allocations on the Acroloop Card
Gains.8k Defines All initial Axis Gains.
Note: The Gains are overwritten when ACR-MOTIONMAX loads as ACR-MOTIONMAX uses the Gain
Defined in the Parameters.Cfg file so be sure to duplicate them in the Parameters.Cfg file.
Setting the Sys.8k file for Programs & Variable Memory Allocation
ACR-MOTIONMAX must be configured with enough memory in the SYS. 8k file, for the type of card
PCI buss type cards use DPCB (Dual Port Cache Buffer), ISA buss type cards use FIFO (First in First Out)
Edit the 2 parameters of the SYS.8k file depending on the type of card your using (PCI is Default).
If using PCI Card If using ISA Type Card
Clear DPCB Clear FIFO
Dim DPCB (4096) Dim FIFO (4096)
Sys.8k File listing for PCI Type Controller
REM-----Clear out old allocations-----
REM-----Allocate system memory-----
DIM PROG0 (35000)
DIM PROG1 (35000)
DIM PROG2 (5000)
DIM PLC0 (5000)
DIM P (24)
DIM DEF (300) : REM Allocate Bit Variable Space for 300 Variables
CLEAR DPCB : REM Clear PCI Buss Type Cache Buffer
DIM DPCB (4096) : Rem Allocate for PCI Type Cache Buffer
Defining Bit Variables in AcroBasic