ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Chapter 1 Introduction and System Overview
ACR-MOTIONMAX interfaces to the Parker-Acroloop Motion Card with 32bit Signal Banks provided on
the Motion Card. The Control system communicates with AcroBasic through the Matrix of 5 signal Banks
as shown in the following Chart. The Key bank of signals is the “Control Signals” (Bits 128 to 255) these
Signals are the Main interface between ACR-MOTIONMAX and the users AcroBasic programs.
The Strategy of the ACR-MOTIONMAX Software System is, “ACR-MOTIONMAX is a Core System
that’s designed to stay the same…you simply edit the AcroBasic programs and ACR-MOTIONMAX’s
Parameters to accommodate your particular application.
ACR-MOTIONMAX Control System Bit Signal Banks
Table 1:
Signal Bank Name Acroloop Bit Address’s Description
ControlSignals 128 to 255 Bit Addresses Reserved by ACR-MOTIONMAX
MCode Bits 1920 to 2047 MCodes … M00 to M127 Respectively
Master flags 512 to 544 Servo Motion State Flags
Inputs 0 to 31 …256 to 287 [Default … Ext. I/O Bank 1]
Outputs 32 to 63 … 288 to 319 [Default … Ext. I/O Bank 1]
M S & T Code Sequencing
ACR-MOTIONMAX Executes M S or T Codes by setting an M/S or T Code bit (1920-2047… M00-
M127) and an associated M/S or T Strobe Signal Bit. These bits are picked up by a looping P
rogram 1
and serviced.
All M S and T Codes Sent by ACR-MOTIONMAX are accompanied with a following M S or T
Strobe Signal.
The AcroBasic Program1 Intercepts M, S, T Codes and acts on them if its Strobe Signal is =1.
When the AcroBasic MS or T Code Function completes it must! set the associated Done Bit signaling
ACR-MOTIONMAX to continue.
Strobe & Done Signals Table:
Signal Name Address Function
M Done 147 Set by AcroBasic when the M-Code is Completed
S Done 148 Set by AcroBasic when the S-Code is Completed
T Done 149 Set by AcroBasic when the T-Code is Completed
M Strobe 150 Set By ACR-MOTIONMAX along with MCode Bit Pointer of subroutine
to Execute
S Strobe 151 Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX along with the new Dac value in
T Strobe 152 Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX along with the new Tool code in
Jogging Functions
ACR-MOTIONMAX Handles all Jogging internally and uses parameters in the Parameters.Cfg file for
Normal and Fast Jog speed settings as shown below.