9700-A2-GB20-20 December 2002 IN-11
serial number of the NAM, 7-2
server, DHCP, 5-11
Service, A
service level
reports, 10-6
configuring, 4-16
statistics, 7-30
Service Level reports, 10-8
Access Level, 4-49, 6-5
ending, 2-3
FTP, 4-49
starting, 2-2
Telnet, 4-48
Set DE, 4-43
Set Operating Mode, 4-8
Date and Time (system clock), 4-8
operating mode, 4-8
setting up
in-band management, 5-17
Management and Communication, 4-38
statistics, 7-40
tests, 8-23
Shift-r to access router’s CLI, 2-6
CLI commands, C-25
configuration command, 5-18
SLA, 1-6
features, 1-6
OpenLane, 9-2
OpenLane system, 1-9
performance monitoring feature set, 1-7
SLA verification and reporting, 1-6
configuring, 4-16
Delivery Ratio, 4-17
DLCI Down on Timeout, 4-17
Latency Exceeded alarm, 8-10
Packet Size, 4-18
performance statistics, 7-30
Round Trip Latency, 4-18
Sample Interval (secs), 4-16
Synchronization Role, 4-16
Timeout, 7-21
alarm, 8-10
Error Event Threshold, 4-18
type, 4-17
smurf attack prevention, 5-16
assigning community names/access levels, 6-9
disabling access, 6-8
limiting access, 6-8, 6-10
Management, 4-46
NMS security options, 4-51
Number of Managers, 4-51
polling, 1-5
setting up Trap Managers, 4-51
trap event log, 7-43, 8-11
Traps, 4-53
downloading, B-2
standards, B-6
supported, 8-2
SNR Margin
Threshold (dB), 4-21
Threshold Exceeded alarm, 8-10
changing, 7-47
revision of the NAM, 7-2
DLCI, 4-35
EDLCI, 4-35
Link, 4-35
Spacebar, 2-6
specifications, technical, F-1
spectral density (PSD), 4-22
Standard DLCI Type, 4-25
Standard_out RIP, 4-45, 4-62
standards compliance for SNMP Traps, B-6
a session, 2-2
a test, 8-17
statistics, 1-6, 7-29
ATM, 7-38
clearing, 7-42
DLCI, 7-34
elements, 10-3
Ethernet, 7-41
Frame Relay, 7-36
OID cross-reference, B-19
SLV, 7-30
uploading to an NMS, 7-48
VCC, 7-39
xDSL Line, 7-40