C. Router CLI Commands, Codes, and Designations
9700-A2-GB20-20 December 2002 C-33
TCP Port Designations
Use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port designations in Table C -16,
TCP Port Designations, when specifying a specific TCP port to be filtered.
Table C-16. TCP Port Designations
TCP Port # TCP Port Table Description
7 echo Echo
13 daytime Daytime
19 chargen Character generator
20 ftp-data FTP data connections
21 ftp File Transfer Protocol
23 telnet Telnet
25 smtp Simple Mail Transport Protocol
37 time Time
43 whois Nicname
49 tacacs TAC Access Control System
53 domain Domain Name Service
70 gopher Gopher
79 finger Finger
80 www World Wide Web (HTTP)
101 hostname NIC hostname server
109 pop2 Post Office Protocol v2
110 pop3 Post Office Protocol v3
111 sunrpc Sun Remote Procedure Call
119 nntp Network News Transport Protocol
179 bgp Border Gateway Protocol
194 irc Internet Relay Chat
512 exec Exec (rsh)
513 login Login (rlogin)
514 cmd Remote commands (rcmd)
514 syslog Syslog
515 lpd Printer service
517 talk Talk
540 uucp UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program
543 klogin Kerberos login
544 kshell Kerberos shell