MIB Definition
A-24 Issue 2 December 1996
ββ Entry Status
nmsTestEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
βThe status of this nmsTestTable entry.
Setting this object to the value invalid(4) has the
effect of invalidating the corresponding entry. If
there is a test active when the entry is invalidated,
the test will be aborted.
An existing instance of this object cannot be set to
createRequest(2). This object may only be set to
createRequest(2) when a new test instance is created.
Immediately after completing the create operation, the
proxy agent will set this object to underCreation(3).
Entries shall exist in the underCreation(3) state until
the management station is finished configuring the
entry and sets this object to valid(1) or aborts,
setting this object to invalid(4). If the proxy agent
determines that an entry has been in the underCreation(3)
state for an abnormally long time, it may decide that the
management station has crashed. If the proxy agent makes
this decision, it will set the object to invalid(4).β
::= { nmsTestEntry 27 }