1-2 Issue 2 December 1996
Software Description
The SNMP Proxy Agent feature includes NetManage Enhanced
Windows TCP/IP (NEWTt) software, which supports
transmission of SNMP messages across Ethernetr, Token Ring,
FDDI, SLIP, and PPP interfaces.
The SNMP Proxy Agent feature is a software package that can
be installed on top of the COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS
Release 4.0.0 or higher at any time.
COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS Release 4.0.0 or higher
is required to execute the SNMP Proxy Agent feature.
You can install the SNMP Proxy Agent feature in any of the
following COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS installations:
G Single user
G Multiuser server
G Multiuser client
Feature List
The SNMP Proxy Agent feature provides the following features:
G SNMP Proxy Agent for COMSPHERE devices using
Enterprise MIBs
G SNMP Agent for COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS using
Enterprise MIBs
G SNMP Agent for MIB-II
G SNMP Agent for DOS, Windowst, and workstations
using NetManage Enterprise MIBs
G COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS Alerts exported as
SNMP Traps
G One IP address per COMSPHERE 6700 Series NMS
G Specific Community View Access for each managed