
Settings and Printing
NetworkMaintenance and Spec.
Setup in Windows
7 Click on the Print using IPP check button and click [Next >].
8 Click either the Connect using a modem and telephone line or
Connect using a local area network check button. Click [Next >].
• If you select Connect using a modem and telephone line, proceed to step 10.
• If your computer is not eqipped with a dial-up adapter, this selection window is not
displayed. Proceed to step 9.
9 Click either the Do not print using a proxy server or the Print using a
proxy server check button. Click [Next >].
• If you select Print using proxy server, enter the IP Address and port number of the
proxy server.
10 Enter the URL of the printer according to the following form:
http://IP Address/ipp or http://host name/ipp.
11 Click [Next >].
12 Click [Next >].
• Enter a unique name into the “Destination print port name”; this name is used as
the printer port name.
13 Click [Finish].