Settings and Printing
NetworkMaintenance and Spec.
Setup in Windows
• You cannot search for the printer while the printer is restarting.
• To confirm that the IP Address is set correctly,
(1) On your computer, click [Start], select Programs or All Programs, then click
MS-DOS Prompt. (for Windows 95 / Windows 98 / Windows Me)
Command Prompt. (for Windows NT 4.0)
Accessories - Command Prompt. (for Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Server
(2) At the DOS prompt, type ping followed by a space then the printer's IP Address. Then
press the ENTER key.
For example,
ping 172.16.x.x.
If the following notation is displayed, they are set correctly.
Pinging 172.16.x.x with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 172.16.x.x: bytes=xx time<xxms TTL=xx
Reply from 172.16.x.x: bytes=xx time<xxms TTL=xx
If the ping command returns a "Request timed out" message or "Reply from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: Destination host unreachable" message or other error messages you
should recheck your settings.