An alert tells me that ActiveSync
encountered a problem with [item type]
[item name]
An error occurred during the sync of a
single item. This error can usually be
corrected only by removing the item that
caused the error. If you sync again to see if
the error persists, be aware that items
causing this type of error are skipped and
do not show up again.
My Today screen settings are not restored
after a hard reset
Settings such as the background image and
plug-in choices are not backed up during
synchronization, so they can’t be restored
after a hard reset. If you use a backup
utility, you may be able to restore a backup
to recover your Today screen setting and
other additional info.
Exchange ActiveSync (wireless
This section covers issues with direct
wireless synchronization with an Exchange
Server. See ActiveSync desktop software
for help with synchronizing using
ActiveSync desktop software.
An alert tells me that the server could not
be reached
Your Treo 750 had to wait too long to
connect to the Exchange Server. The
connection may have been lost, the server
may be temporarily overloaded, or the
server may have encountered an internal
error. Check your Exchange Server name
and proxy server settings (see Setting up
wireless synchronization), and try
again later.
An alert tells me that my account
information could not be detected
When you set up the Exchange Server
sync options, the credentials page was left
blank. Correct the credentials (see Setting
up wireless synchronization), or set up your
Treo 750 to sync only with a computer, and
try to sync again.
If you are synchronizing with an Exchange
Server and you’re unable to change your lock
settings, check with your system
administrator to find out if a systemwide
locking policy is in place.