local Contacts list in Microsoft Office
Outlook (right-click the addresses and
select Add to Personal Address Book).
• Microsoft Office Outlook subfolders and
public folders are not accessible with
the included software. You may want to
use a third-party solution instead.
• If you’re trying to sync offline, be sure
to set your Microsoft Office Outlook
Calendar, Contacts, Notes, and Tasks to
be available offline.
• If you’re still having problems, try the
1 Make sure you’re synchronizing with
the intended desktop personal
information manager (PIM). The
Windows Mobile Getting Started Disc
lets you synchronize with Microsoft
Office Outlook for Windows. If you use
a different PIM, you need to install
third-party software to synchronize. For
more information, consult the company
that makes the PIM.
2 Open ActiveSync desktop software on
your computer, and make sure the
necessary synchronization settings are
set to synchronize the files.
3 Uninstall ActiveSync desktop software,
reboot your computer, and then insert
the Windows Mobile Getting Started
Disc, which came with your Treo 750,
and repeat the installation process (see
Reinstalling the desktop softwar
Synchronization starts but doesn’t finish
Make sure that you installed the desktop
software that came with your Treo 750. If
you’re not sure whether this software is
installed, reinstall it (see Reinstalling the
desktop software).
My video and music files won’t sync
1 Make sure you have Windows Media
Player 10 installed on your computer.
2 Reinstall your synchronization software
from the Windows Mobile Getting
Started Disc, which came with your
Treo 750 (see Reinstalling the desktop
software). Media file synchronization
fails if you installed the synchronization
software before you installed Windows
Media Player 10.