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Service Guide OJ2010
Chapter 4 Failure and Repair Analysis
RAP 07: Power Service Check
Check the power supply.
Disconnect J11 from the system board.
Check the following voltages on the power supply cable.
+ 5 vdc J11-1 to GND
+ 24 vdc J11-3 to GND
If you do not have the correct voltage, replace the power supply.
Be sure to unplug the machine before you reconnect the power supply to the system board.
Check the printhead cable, the parallel cable, and the encoder card.
Power OFF the printer.
Disconnect one of the printhead cables.
Power ON the printer.
Look for a symptom change.
Check the failing part for shorts and replace as necessary.
Repeat this procedure for the parallel cable and the encoder card.
Check the system board.
If the problem persists, replace the system board.
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