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Service Guide OJ2010
Chapter 3 Maintenance and Disassembly
Wipe the Nozzles and Contacts
Wipe the nozzles and contacts if the print quality does not improve after repeating the Nozzle Test three
Dried ink may be on the print cartridge.
1. Remove the print cartridge.
2. Use a clean cloth, dampened with water only, to gently clean the entire copper colored area of the
print cartridge, including the nozzles and contacts.
When cleaning the color print cartridge, wipe the nozzles in ONLY one direction so the colors DO
NOT mix.
DO NOT touch the copper-colored area with your fingers!
To dissolve dried ink, hold the damp cloth against the nozzles for about three seconds. Gently
blot and wipe dry.
3. Allow the copper-colored area to dry before installing the cartridge.
4. Install the cartridge.
5. Repeat the Nozzle Test.
6. If the line is still broken, clean the contacts inside the print cartridge carrier in the printer.
Refer to the Clean the Carrier Contacts section of this procedure (
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