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Service Guide ML520/521
Chapter 3 Maintenance & Disassembly
3.3.09 Resets
Reset Menu to Factory Defaults
Once the menu has been reset, all customized menu settings will be lost.
Always print the menu before resetting the printer to factory defaults.
To reset the menu to factory default settings, follow this procedure.
1. Before resetting the Menu, Okidata STRONGLY RECOMMENDS printing the Menu.
Printing the Menu provides a reference of customized settings.
When the Menu is reset, all customized settings are LOST.
2. Power off the printer.
3. Press and hold SEL and LF while powering ON the printer.
Refer to the Printer Handbook for a list of the factory default settings.
Reset the Top of Form to Factory Default
1. Power off the printer.
2. Press and hold the QUIET and FF/LOAD switches while you power on the printer.
The factory default Top of Form Setting is 1 inch.
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