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Service Guide ML520/521
Chapter 3 Maintenance & Disassembly
3.3.05 Top of Form
General Information
Top of Form is the distance from the top edge of the paper to the first print position on the page. The red
line on the ribbon protector indicates the baseline of the Top of Form.
Setting Top of Form
1. Deselect the printer. The SEL lamp must not be lit.
2. To set the TOF further down the page, press and hold the SHIFT switch while pressing the FF/LOAD
switch. This will advance the paper in micro increments.
3. To set the TOF higher on the page, press and hold the SHIFT switch while pressing the LF switch.
This will retract the paper in micro increments.
4. This setting will be kept in memory until you power off the printer or until you change the setting.
5. To maintain this setting in the printers memory (even when the printer is powered off), press and hold
the SHIFT switch while pressing the QUIET/TOF switch.
6. Press the SEL switch.
Reset the Top of Form to Factory Default
1. Power off the printer.
2. Press and hold the QUIET and FF/LOAD switches while you power on the printer.
The factory default Top of Form Setting is 1 inch.
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