Specifications (continued)
Specification of the attached lens
With ultra short throw zoom lens (OL-XD8000EZ)
F No. F2.4
Focal distance f = 11.4 - 14.2 mm
Zoom/focus Electrical drive
Picture size 40 inch (81 cm X 61 cm) - 300 inch (610 cm X 457 cm)
Screen size (4:3) Projection distance (L) Lens shift height
Lens shift
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
40 102 32 81 24 61 25 0.6 31 0.8 12 30 2 6 3 8
60 152 48 122 36 91 38 1.0 47 1.2 18 46 3 9 5 12
80 203 64 163 48 122 51 1.3 64 1.6 24 61 4 11 6 16
100 254 80 203 60 152 64 1.6 80 2.0 30 76 6 14 8 20
150 381 120 305 90 229 96 2.4 120 3.1 45 114 8 21 12 30
200 508 160 406 120 305 128 3.3 161 4.1 60 152 11 28 16 41
250 635 200 508 150 381 161 4.1 201 5.1 75 191 14 36 20 51
300 762 240 610 180 457 193 4.9 242 6.1 90 229 17 43 24 61
• Theabovenumbersareapproximate,andmaybeslightlydifferentfromtheactualmeasurements.
With short throw zoom lens (OL-XD2000SZ)
F No. F2.0 - 2.4
Focal distance f = 19.6 - 26.5 mm
Zoom/focus Electrical drive
Picture size 40 inch (81 cm X 61 cm) - 300 inch (610 cm X 457 cm)
Screen size (4:3) Projection distance (L) Lens shift height
Lens shift
Width (W) Height (H)
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
40 102 32 81 24 61 41 1.0 57 1.5 12 30 2 6 3 8
60 152 48 122 36 91 63 1.6 88 2.2 18 46 3 9 5 12
80 203 64 163 48 122 86 2.2 118 3.0 24 61 4 11 6 16
100 254 80 203 60 152 108 2.7 148 3.8 30 76 6 14 8 20
150 381 120 305 90 229 164 4.2 224 5.7 45 114 8 21 12 30
200 508 160 406 120 305 219 5.6 300 7.6 60 152 11 28 16 41
250 635 200 508 150 381 275 7.0 - - 75 191 14 36 20 51
300 762 240 610 180 457 331 8.4 - - 90 229 17 43 24 61
• Theabovenumbersareapproximate,andmaybeslightlydifferentfromtheactualmeasurements.
With long throw zoom lens (OL-XD2000LZ)
F No. F2.1 - 2.4
Focal distance f = 32.4 - 40.5 mm
Zoom/focus Electrical drive
Picture size 40 inch (81 cm X 61 cm) - 300 inch (610 cm X 457 cm)
Screen size (4:3) Projection distance (L) Lens shift height
Lens shift
Width (W) Height (H)
H1 H2
inch cm inch cm inch cm inch m inch m inch cm inch cm inch cm
40 102 32 81 24 61 - - 88 2.2 12 30 2 6 3 8
60 152 48 122 36 91 105 2.7 135 3.4 18 46 3 9 5 12
80 203 64 163 48 122 142 3.6 182 4.6 24 61 4 11 6 16
100 254 80 203 60 152 180 4.6 228 5.8 30 76 6 14 8 20
150 381 120 305 90 229 273 6.9 345 8.8 45 114 8 21 12 30
200 508 160 406 120 305 366 9.3 462 11.7 60 152 11 28 16 41
250 635 200 508 150 381 459 11.7 579 14.7 75 191 14 36 20 51
300 762 240 610 180 457 553 14.0 696 17.7 90 229 17 43 24 61
• Theabovenumbersareapproximate,andmaybeslightlydifferentfromtheactualmeasurements.
Center of the
projection area
Center of the
projection area
Center of the
projection area