Setting up your projector (continued)
Front projection, ceiling mounting
For ceiling mounting, you need the ceiling mount
kit designed for this projector. Ask a specialist for
installation. For details, consult your dealer.
• Thewarrantyonthisprojectordoesnotcoverany
damage caused by use of any non-recommended
ceiling mount kit or installation of the ceiling mount
kit in an improper location.
• Whenusingtheprojectormountedontheceiling,
to MIRROR INVERT. See page 34.
• Whentheprojectorismountedontheceiling,
images may appear darker than those projected in
the case of tabletop mounting. This isn’t a product
• Askyourinstallationspecialisttoprovideabreaker.
When you do not use the projector, be sure to shut
down the main power by the breaker.
• Donotinstalltheprojectorwheretheexhaustvents
are exposed to air emitted by an air conditioning.
Such installation may cause a breakdown.
• Donotinstalltheprojectorneararealarm
because it emits hot air from its exhaust vents.
• Installationmustbedonebyaqualied
When the projector is installed on the ceiling using
the ceiling mount kit, it is recommended to hold
the mount kit and the projector using metal bars
or wires in addition to the mount kit fixing screws
to prevent the projector from falling due to an
earthquake or other cause. For that purpose, use
metal bars, wires, or screws that bear a load of at
least 200 kgf. When using metal wires, secure one
end to the adjustment foot of the projector and the
other end to the mount kit. In this case, make sure
that no electrical current is flowing in the mount kit
due to current leakage or other cause.
Rear projection
Ask a specialist for installation. For details, consult
your dealer.
• Forrearprojection,setIMAGEREVERSEinthe
INSTALLATION 1 menu to MIRROR. See page 34.
• Placingtheprojectordirectlyonacarpetimpairs
ventilation by the fans, causing damage or failure.
Put a hard board under the projector to facilitate
• Placetheprojectoratleast50cm(or20inches)
away from the wall to prevent the intake vents
and the exhaust vents that emit hot air from being
• Donotusetheprojectorinthefollowinglocations
and manners, which may cause fire or electric
• Inadustyorhumidplace.
• Inasidewaysposition,orwiththelensfacing
• Nearaheater.
• Inanoily,smoky,ordampplacesuchasakitchen.
• Indirectsunlight.
• Wherethetemperatureriseshigh,suchasina
closed car.
• Wherethetemperatureislowerthan+41ºF(or
• ForuseintheHIGHALTITUDEmode
· Wherethetemperatureislowerthan+41ºF
· For use in other than floor installation and
ceiling installation.
• Keepfoliageplantsandpetsawayfromthe
projector. The temperature around the exhaust
vents and that of the cabinet on the top of the
exhaust vents become high. Take special care for
small children.
• Wedon’trecommendusingtheprojectoratan
altitude of 2700 meters or higher (When using
the product at an altitude of 2000 to 2700 meters
above the sea level, set the HIGH ALTITUDE MODE
to HIGH ALTITUDE.). Use at an altitude of 2700
meters or higher may affect the projector’s life.