Index - 8
JMP (Pointer branch)......................................... 6-129
Jump to END (GOEND)..................................... 6-132
KEY (Numerical key input from keyboard)......... 7-396
Ladder block parallel connections (ORB) ............ 5-10
Ladder block series connections (ANB) .............. 5-10
LD ($=, $<>, $>, $<=, $<, $>=) (Character string data
comparisons) ....................................................... 6-11
LD (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=) (BIN 16-bit data comparisons)
............................................................................... 6-2
LD (A contact operation start)................................ 5-2
LD (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=) (BIN 32-bit data
comparisons) ......................................................... 6-4
LD (E=, E<>, E>, E<=, E<, E>=) (Floationg decimal
point data comparisons(Single precision)) ............ 6-6
LD (ED=, ED, ED>, ED<=, ED<, ED>=) (Floationg
decimal point data comparisons(Double precision))
............................................................................... 6-8
LDF (Pulse operation start / trailing edge)....... 5-5,5-7
LDI (B contact operation start)............................... 5-2
LDP (Pulse operation start / leading edge)...... 5-5,5-7
LDPI, LDFI............................................................. 5-7
Leading edge output (PLS).................................. 5-37
LEDR (Error display and annunciator reset instruction)
........................................................................... 7-172
LEFT (Extracting character string data from the left)
........................................................................... 7-232
Left rotation of 16-bit data (ROL, RCL)................ 7-38
Left rotation of 32-bit data (DROL, DRCL) .......... 7-44
LEN (Character string length detection) ............ 7-204
LIMIT (Upper and lower limit controls for BIN 16-bit)
........................................................................... 7-321
Link refresh instructions....................................... 2-59
Linking character strings ($+) ...................... 6-65,6-67
Linking of random data (NUNI)............................ 7-81
Load (LD)............................................................... 5-2
Load + unload (PSWAPP) ................................. 7-445
Load inverse (LDI) ................................................. 5-2
Load program from Memory Card (PLOADP) ... 7-440
LOG (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point
data (Single precision))............................ 7-296,7-302
LOGD (Natural logarithm operation on floating-point
data (Double precision)) .................................... 7-298
Logical operation instructions .............................. 2-29
Logical product ...................................................... 7-2
Logical products with 16-bit data (WAND)............. 7-3
Logical products with 32-bit data (DAND) ............. 7-3
Logical sum ........................................................... 7-2
Logical sums of 16-bit data (WOR) ..................... 7-11
Logical sums of 32-bit data (DOR) ...................... 7-11
Low speed retentive timer (OUTH ST) ................ 5-22
Low speed timer (OUT T) .................................... 5-22
Master control instructions................................... 5-47
Matrix input (MTR) ............................................. 6-166
MAX (Maximum value search for 16-bit data) ..... 7-89
Maximum value search for 16-bit data (MAX) ..... 7-89
Maximum value search for 32-bit data (DMAX)... 7-89
MC (Setting the master control) ........................... 5-47
MCR (Resetting the master control) .................... 5-47
MEAN(P)............................................................ 7-103
MEF (Pulse operation results / trailing edge)....... 5-17
MEP (Pulse operation results / leading edge) ..... 5-17
MIDR (Random selection from character strings)
........................................................................... 7-235
MIDW (Random replacement in character strings)
........................................................................... 7-235
MIN (Minimum value search for 16-bit data)........ 7-92
Minimum value search for 16-bit data (MIN)........ 7-92
Minimum value search for 32-bit data (DMIN) ..... 7-92
MOV (16-bit transfers) ....................................... 6-106
MPP (Operation results pop) ............................... 5-12
MPS (Operation results push) ............................. 5-12
MRD (Operation results read).............................. 5-12
MTR (Matrix input) ............................................. 6-166
BCD 4-digit (B*)................................................ 6-42
BCD 8-digit (DB*) ............................................. 6-44
BIN 16-bit (*) .................................................... 6-30
BIN 32-bit (D*).................................................. 6-32
Multiplication of floating decimal point (Double
precision) (ED*)................................................ 6-56
Multiplication of floating decimal point (Single
precision) (E*) .................................................. 6-54
Multiplication and division of floating decimal point
(Double precision)(ED*, ED/)............................... 6-56
Multiplication and division of floating decimal point
(Single precision)(E*, E/) ..................................... 6-54
Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data
(Double precision) (LOGD) ................................ 7-298
Natural logarithm operation on floating-point data
(Single precision) (LOG) .......................... 7-296,7-302
n-bit shift to left of 16-bit data (SFL) .................... 7-46
n-bit shift to right of 16-bit data (SFR).................. 7-46
n-bit shift to right or left of n-bit data (SFTBR(P),
SFTBL(P))............................................................ 7-51
n-bit shift to right or left of n-word data (SFTWR(P),
SFTWL(P))........................................................... 7-56
NEG (complement of 2 of BIN 16-bit data) .......... 6-94
Network refresh instruction (ZCOM) ...................... 8-2
NEXT (FOR to NEXT)........................................ 7-105
No operation (NOP, NOPLF, PAGE) ................... 5-57
NOP ..................................................................... 5-57
NOP (No operation) ............................................. 5-57
NOPLF (No operation page change) ................... 5-57
Number of steps .................................................. 3-34
Numerical key input (KEY)................................. 7-396
Numerical key input from keyboard (KEY)......... 7-396
NUNI (Linking of random data) ............................ 7-81