
(4) The use of the END and FEND instructions is broken down as follows for main routine
programs, subroutine programs, and interrupt programs:
Operation Error
(1) In any of the following cases, an operation error occurs, the error flag (SM0) turns ON, and
an error code is stored into SD0.
The END instruction was executed before the execution of the RET instruction and after
the execution of the CALL, FCALL, ECALL, or EFCALL instruction.
(Error code: 4211)
The END instruction was executed before the execution of the NEXT instruction and after
the execution of the FOR instruction.
(Error code: 4200)
The END instruction was executed during an interrupt program prior to the execution of
the IRET instruction.
(Error code: 4221)
The END instruction was executed within the CHKCIR to CHKEND instruction loop.
(Error code: 4230)
The END instruction was executed within the IX to IXEND instruction loop.
(Error code: 4231)
Main routine program
Interrupt program
Main sequence
program area
Subroutine program
(FEND instruction is necessary.)
(END instruction is necessary.)