This manual is the alarm/parameter guide required to use the EZMotion-NC E60/E68 Series.
This manual is prepared on the assumption that your machine is provided with all of the EZMotion-NC
E60/E68 Series functions. Confirm the functions available for your NC before proceeding to operation by
referring to the specification issued by the machine manufacturer.
Notes on Reading This Manual
(1) This manual explains general parameters as viewed from the NC.
For information about each machine tool, refer to manuals issued from the machine manufacturer.
If the descriptions relating to "restrictions" and "allowable conditions" conflict between this manual
and the machine manufacturer's instruction manual, the later has priority over the former.
(2) This manual is intended to contain as much descriptions as possible even about special operations.
The operations to which no reference is made in this manual should be considered impossible.
If the descriptions relating to the "restrictions" and "allowable conditions" conflict between this
manual and the machine manufacturer’s instruction manual‚ the latter has priority over the
The operations to which no reference is made in this manual should be considered
This manual is complied on the assumption that your machine is provided with all functions.
Confirm the functions available for your machine before proceeding to operation by referring
to the specification issued by the machine manufacturer.
In some NC system versions‚ there may be cases that different pictures appear on the screen‚
the machine operates in a different way or some function is not activated.