II - 76
# Items Details Setting range (unit)
1312 T_base Tool life
When the T code command is issued while
specifying a value that exceeds the value set in this
parameter, the value obtained by subtracting the
set value from the command value is used as the
tool group number for tool life management.
The value specified by the T code command is
equal to or less than the value set in this parameter,
the T code is handled as a normal T code and not
subjected to tool life management.
When 0 is set in this parameter, the T code
command always specifies a group number. (This
parameter is valid for M-system tool life
management II.)
0 to 9999
1313 TapDw1 Synchronous
tap hole
bottom wait
Specify the hole bottom wait time for synchronous
When the P address is specified, the greater value
is used as the hole bottom wait time. When an
in-position check is performed at the hole bottom,
dwelling for the specified time is completed after the
in-position check is complete.
Note: This parameter is valid only when 1 is set in
#1223 aux07 bit 3 (synchronous tap
in-position check improvement).
0 to 999 (ms)
1314 TapInp Synchronous
tap in-position
check width
(tap axis)
Specify the hole bottom in-position check width for
synchronous tapping.
Note: This parameter is valid only when 1 is set in
#1223 aux07 bit 3 (synchronous tap
in-position check improvement).
1 to 32767
(1ยตm steps)
1324 Chop_R Chopping
tion value
fixing method
Head number of the R register used as the
compensation amount save area during fixed
compensation amount method.
1900 to 2782