1 General configuration
Contents of the Option equipment and special specification
1.7 Contents of the Option equipment and special specification
A list of all Optional equipment and special specifications are shown below.
Table 1-3 : The list of robot option equipment and special specification
Item Type Specifications
Note1) Distinction of ○ (is option) and □ (is special specification at shipping) is shown for each pair with the
CR750 CR751
Stopper for changing the
operating range (J1 axis)
The stopper parts for J1 axis
This must be installed by the customer.
Machine cable
(Replaced to shorter cable)
1S-02UCBL-03 For fixing (Set of power and sig-
(A 2m cable is supplied instead of the
5m cable that is supplied as standard)
1F-02UCBL-02 For fixing (Set of power and sig-
Machine cable extension
(extension type)
1S- □□ CBL-03 For fixing (Set of power and sig-
" □□ " in type shows the length of the
cables as follows.
05=5m, 10=10m, 15=15m
1S- □□ LCBL-03 For flexing (Set of power and
Machine cable extension
(direct type)
1S- □□ LUCBL-03 For flexing (Set of power and
1F- □□ UCBL-02 For fixing (Set of power and sig-
" □□ " in type shows the length of the
cables as follows.
10=10m, 15=15m, 20=20m
1F- □□ LUCBL-02 For flexing (Set of power and
Solenoid valve set 1F-VD01-01/VD01E-01 1 set (Sink type)/(Source type)
○ ○
The solenoid-valve set for the hand of
the customer setup
1F-VD0*-01: Sink type
1F-VD0*E-01: Source type
1F-VD02-01/VD02E-01 2 set (Sink type)/(Source type)
○ ○
1F-VD03-01/VD03E-01 3 set (Sink type)/(Source type)
○ ○
1F-VD04-01/VD04E-01 4 set (Sink type)/(Source type)
○ ○
Hand input cable 1F-HC35C-01 Robot side: connector.
Hand side: wire.
The cable is connected to the sensor by
the customer.
Attaches the cable clamp (drip proof
Hand output cable
Robot side: connector
Hand side: wire
The cable is connected to the hand out-
put connector by the customer.
Attaches the cable clamp (drip proof
Straight cable 600mm (total length)
Hand curl tube 1E-ST0408C-300 For solenoid valve 4set.:Φ4x8
Curl type air tube
External Wiring/Piping box 1F-UT-BOX For solenoid valve 4set.:Φ4x8
Box which pulls out the Wire/Piping
(Hand I/O cable, Hand curl tube)
Internal Wiring/Piping set
for hand
1F-HS304S-01 Hand input cable (four signal
lines and two power lines), φ3
four hoses
Wiring/Piping to pass in the shaft
Reducers (φ4 to φ3: 8pcs) are