
This series offers small-size industrial robots developed using Mitsubishi's latest technology. They are
especially designed to handle and assemble mechanical parts. They are Mitsubishi's answer to the cus-
tomer's need to achieve a compact manufacturing facility capable of highly flexible production, as neces-
sitated by the diffusion of high-density product groups and the shorter product life cycles that have
become common-place in recent years.
However, to comply with the target application, a work system having a well-balanced robot arm, periph-
eral devices or robot and hand section must be structured.
When creating these standard specifications, we have edited them so that the Mitsubishi robot's charac-
teristics and specifications can be easily understood by users considering the implementation of robots.
However, if there are any unclear points, please contact your nearest Mitsubishi branch or dealer.
Mitsubishi hopes that you will consider these standard specifications and use our robots.
Note that in this specification document the specifications related to the robot arm is described Page 9,
"2 Robot arm", the specifications related to the controllerPage 63, "3 Controller", and software functions
and a command list Page 130, "4 Software" separately.
This document has indicated the specification of the following types robot.
*RH-3FH-D series
About CE Marking in the automization system
The Guidelines of the measures against EMC in the automization system manufactured by the cus-
tomer is shown in Page 154, "6.4 EMC installation guideline".
Please refer to it and carry out the measures against EMC of the automization system of the cus-
・ No part of this manual may be reproduced by any means or in any form, without prior consent from Mit-
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
The specifications values are based on Mitsubishi standard testing methods.
・ The information contained in this document has been written to be accurate as much as possible.
Please interpret that items not described in this document "cannot be performed." or "alarm
may occur".
Please contact your nearest dealer if you find any doubtful, wrong or skipped point.
This specifications is original.
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