
Product Guide 7
Welcome to McAfee Internet
Security 5.0
The Internet provides a vast wealth of information and entertainment at your
fingertips. Yet, as soon as you connect, your computer is exposed to a
multitude of privacy and security threats. Protect your privacy and secure
your computer and your data with McAfee Internet Security. Incorporating
McAfee's award-winning technologies, McAfee Internet Security provides
one of the most comprehensive sets of privacy and security tools you can buy.
McAfee Internet Security destroys viruses, outwits hackers, secures your
personal information, privatizes your Web browsing, blocks ads and pop ups,
manages your cookies and passwords, locks down your files, folders and
drives, filters objectionable content, and puts you in control of the
communications in and out of your PC. McAfee Internet Security provides
powerful protection for today's Internet users.
In the last few years the Internet has changed from a communications network
that government entities and universities used almost exclusively, to an
information treasure house that people of all ages and occupations can now
access. With an Internet account, you can send electronic mail (e-mail) around
the world in seconds, do research without leaving home, meet new friends in
an online chat room, or shop without getting out of your bathrobe. However,
with all these conveniences come a certain element of risk. When you use the
Internet, information is transmitted from your computer to other computers
on the Internet information you may not want other people to have. And
those computers can also send files to your computer that may contain viruses.
While most of these files are harmless, some can invade your privacy or even
damage the data on your computers hard drive.
McAfee Internet Security addresses any of these potential risks with its
comprehensive features designed to protect your privacy and security when
using the Internet.
With its new features, you can now also act as an Administrator and apply
customized protection settings not only for yourself, but for other users of
your computer and easily monitor potential risks they may encounter while
browsing the Internet.