Getting Started with McAfee Internet Security 5.0
22 McAfee Internet Security 5.0
n Add or remove a user.
n Change a user or the Administrator’s settings.
The User Settings properties sheet
The User Settings property sheet allows the Administrator to configure their
own personal settings or any other user’s settings. Self-administrating users
can only change their personal settings.
There are four tabs on the user settings property sheet Each tab allows you to
configure settings - grouped by their classification.
n Privacy settings:
Click the Privacy Settings tab to configure your Internet privacy level.
For example, you can filter Cookies, Web bugs and block annoying ads
and pop up windows encountered while browsing the Internet.
You can also configure Web Trail cleaner to remove records stored on
your computer that were created as you used the Internet. Records of
this type include Temporary Internet Files and historical records such as
URLs visited, created by your Internet browser.
The Privacy settings sheet allows you to protect personal information
about each user that you want to protect from prying eyes and programs
while browsing the Internet.
n Security Settings:
Click the Security Setting tab to monitor your Internet connection and
safeguard your computer against suspicious and potential malicious
activities. Additionally, you can configure McAfee Internet Security to
alert you if you visit harmful Web sites; or if a program in your computer
attempt to access the Internet without your knowledge.
n From this page of the Change User Settings property sheet, you can
setup File Guardian to protect files, folders, programs, and drives from
unauthorized access.
n User Preferences:
The User Preferences tab on the Change User Settings property sheet
enables all users to configure how McAfee Internet Security responds to
particular events. Here you configure how McAfee Internet
Security starts, how it should alert you, and manage user passwords.