DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Page iv
■ Install Equipment and Cables 2-6
■ Install Cable Slack Managers 2-12
■ Install Sneak Fuse Panels 2-13
■ Cable Installation 2-16
■ Install Coupled Bonding Conductor 2-26
■ Station Wiring Design 2-28
■ Station Circuit Distribution from Equipment Room 2-33
■ Layout 2-39
■ Voice and Data Terminals 2-40
■ Label the Main Distribution Frame 2-44
■ Patch Cord/Jumper Installation and Administration 2-45
■ Create a Provisioning Plan 2-49
3 Install Management Terminal and
Activate System 3-1
■ Install Management Terminal 3-2
■ Activate the System 3-7
■ Screens and Commands 3-10
■ System Administration 3-11
■ Set Country Options 3-12
■ Circuit Pack Administration 3-17
■ Set System Maintenance Parameters 3-18
■ Administer System Configurations (Release 6r) 3-19
■ Administer Fiber Links (Release 6r Only) 3-23
■ Reboot High Reliability System 3-29
■ Administer Attendant Console 3-29
■ Save Translations 3-30
■ Add Translations 3-30
■ Installation Completion 3-31
■ DEFINITY AUDIX Power Procedures 3-32
4 Test the System 4-1
■ Check System Status for Each Cabinet 4-2
■ Check Circuit Pack Configuration 4-3
■ Test TDM Bus in PPN 4-4
■ Test Tone-Clock Circuit Packs 4-5
■ Test SPE Duplication Memory Shadowing Link 4-6