DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Multi-Carrier Cabinets
Issue 5
May 1998
Install Management Terminal and Activate System
Page 3-10Screens and Commands
Screens and Commands
The system is administered using screens displayed on the terminal. The
screens are used to add, change, display, list data, and to remove system and
telephone features. To access a screen, enter a valid system command in
response to the Command: prompt.
System commands are standard words and phrases instructing the system to
perform a specific function. The commands are arranged in a hierarchy of
keywords; that is, enter 1 command to go to a different level. The commands
contain three parts: ACTION, OBJECT, and QUALIFIER.
■ ACTION is the first part of the command. When Command: appears on the
screen. The ACTION specifies the operation desired. Examples include
add, duplicate, change, remove, display, list, and save.
■ OBJECT is the second part of the command and specifies the particular
object to be administered. Typical entries are hunt-group, coverage
path, and station.
■ QUALIFIER is the last part of the command. It is 1 or more words or digits
used to further identify or complete the OBJECT. For example,
hunt group
station 3600
, where
are qualifiers.
An example of the command line required to add a station with extension number
is add station 1234. In this example, add is the ACTION, station is the
OBJECT, and 1234 is the QUALIFIER. In the command line, spaces are required
between the ACTION, OBJECT, and QUALIFIER.
To save time, enter enough letters for each part of the command to make it
unique. For example, if you want to enter the command change
system-parameters country-options, typing cha sys coun is acceptable.
However, typing the entire command is always best.
The craft login may not be allowed to perform some of the steps needed to
initialize the system. If access is denied to some of these procedures,
contact your Lucent Technologies representative for assistance.
Getting Help
Use the Help key for a list of options and the Cancel key to back out of any
command. Refer to
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Administration and Feature Description
, for detailed procedures.