
Unfolding the Treadmill
1. Make sure that you have adequate space to lay down the treadmill and that the surface is
level and solid. If you plan on using the treadmill when unfolded, there should be at least
two feet of clear surface on both sides and the front, and four feet of available surface in
the back.
2. Inspect to ensure that nothing is on or near your treadmill that might spill, be knocked
over or prevent the treadmill from completely unfolding.
3. Position yourself behind the treadmill. With your right hand, slightly push the treadmill
forward towards the display and with your left hand push on the top portion of the
hydraulic lift. This will unlock the lift and allow the treadmill to be lowered.
4. Once the locking mechanism is released, place both hands on the support brace
underneath the running deck and slowly lower the treadmill. Make sure that you use proper
lifting technique, bending your knees and keeping your back straight.