
Program Setup and Selection
1. To Start a program simply select the desired program by pressing on either the "Up" and
"Down" or "Fast" and "Slow" buttons and then pressing the "Mode" button.
2. For all programs except the "Manual Program" you can now select a "Level". To select
a "Level" press either set of "Up" and "Down" arrow keys. Level 1 is the easiest and Level
3 the most difficult. Once the desired level is obtained, push the "Mode" key.
3. Now chose how long you would like to workout by pressing either set of "Up" and "Down"
arrows. Each time you push the up or down button the workout time will change by one
minute. You can also hold these buttons down to quickly scroll through the time.
The shortest preset program time is 10 minutes and the longest is 99 minutes.
4. Once the desired time is selected, push the "Quick Start" button to begin your workout.
Note: If you push the "Mode" button after selecting the workout time, the time on the display
will go to 00:00 and begin to count up to the time that was selected. You can push the
"Mode" button again and the time will count down during your workout.
Pause Function
Pause the treadmill at any time during the operation by pressing the “Stop” button once. To
resume operations, press the “Start” button.
Pause Function
To reset the console, press the “Stop” button for several seconds. Repeat the above steps to
reset desired programs level and workout time.
At The End Of Every Exercise Session Always...
1. Remove the Safety Key from the computer console.
2. Use the master power switch to turn the treadmill off. The master power switch is located
at the front of the treadmill.
3. Always position and store the electrical cord where it is clear from all pathways.
4. Unplug the electrical cord from the electrical outlet. This is especially important if you are
not going to use your treadmill for extended periods.
5. Wipe all treadmill surfaces with a dry cloth or towel especially perspiration on the
handlebars, control panel, running belt or other treadmill components.