3. Pro Series Machines
Start Position End Position
Muscle exercised: Hamstrings.
Setup: Select desired weight. Sit down on seat and adjust the back pad by pulling
the knob under the left side of the seat. The seat should be adjusted so that the knee
lines up with the pivot point (the red dot). Adjust the ankle pad so it’s positioned
just under the ankles. Sit down with legs on top of the ankle pad. Lower the thigh
pad until it’s comfortable. Keep back straight and head up.
Performing the exercise: Hold the thigh pad handles. Curl the pad down and back
slowly. Hold the pad at the back position for a moment. Slowly let the pad out.
Raise the thigh pad to get off of the machine.
Using the range limiter (SL35): If the machine is equipped with a range limiter,
you may adjust the range of motion and starting pad location. Set the desired pad
location by using the number coded pull knob. Set the desired range of motion by
using the letter coded pull knob.