3. Pro Series Machines
Starting Position Ending Position
Muscles exercised: Primarily latissimus dorsi. Secondarily the bicep.
Setup: Use the pull knob to adjust the roller pads up or down so that legs will be
firmly anchored under the pads. Select desired weight. Stand and grip the bar with
palms facing away from you and thumbs under the bar. Hands should be about
shoulder width or slightly wider on the bar. While holding the bar, sit on the bench
and lock legs under the pads while keeping back straight and head up.
Performing the exercise: Pull the bar down to the front of the chest in a smooth
motion. Keep elbows under the bar. Slowly return the bar toward the starting
position. Finish by standing until weights come to rest on the stack.
Note: The back and head should be straight throughout the setup, exercise, and
return of the bar to the resting position.
1. Hold the bar with the hands four to six inches apart to emphasize the lower lat
2. Lean back on the bench keeping the back straight and the head up.