5.5.2 Main Configuration Window Overview
The Configuration window shows breakers graphically in the left pane and associated breaker data at
right. Selecting a breaker in the left pane changes the display of data in the right pane.
Table 9 shows the main sections of the window, along with a description and a reference to step-by-
step instructions for each.
Table 9 Overview of main Configuration window
Section Function For details, see:
Select Panel Toggles the display between Panel A and Panel B. 5.5.6 - Select Panel to View
Select View Toggles between Panel and Auxiliary Breakers. 5.5.7 - Select Breakers to View
Unit Properties
Displays the name, DIP switch address and
software address of the Liebert LDM unit.
5.5.8 - Edit the Liebert LDM Unit
Panel Properties
Displays the name of the selected panelboard; also
password setup for security purposes.
5.5.9 - Edit the Panel Properties or
Set a Password
Breaker Properties Displays breaker parameters and alarm setpoints. 5.5.10 - Edit the Breaker Properties
Configuration Mode Buttons
• Load from File
Uploads a saved configuration file from the PC to
the Liebert LDM.
This feature may be used to install a backup copy
of a configuration file or set up a new Liebert LDM
5.5.3 - Load a Configuration File
from Disk
• Install to Unit
Uploads the current configuration from the PC to
the Liebert LDM after making changes to the
This step is required to update the unit with the
latest changes.
5.5.4 - Install Configuration
Changes in the Unit
• Save to File
Saves a copy of the configuration file to the PC.
This feature is useful when a backup copy of the
configuration file is needed.
5.5.5 - Save the Configuration File
to Disk
• Exit Now Closes the Configuration program. —
Select Panel
Select View