5.4.2 Monitor Menu Options
The Monitor window has a menu bar at the top with a drop-down list of options for each menu.
Table 7 summarizes the options available in these menus.
5.4.3 Panel Status and Real-Time Clock
The Panel Status area displays:
• The name of the Liebert LDM in the Unit box.
• The currently selected panel in the Panel box.
To choose a different panel, click on the panel name or the A/B button. If the selected panel has
any active alarms, the panel name appears in white text with a red background.
The Real-Time Clock displays the time as stored in the Liebert LDM unit. The time will not display
correctly if the time zone is incorrect in the PC. If the time displayed is incorrect and the problem is
not caused by a time-zone configuration problem:
•Click the Set button to force the real-time clock to synchronize with the time set on the PC.
Table 7 Monitor menu options
Menu Option Function
File Menu
• Exit Terminates the monitoring session and closes the Monitor program.
View Menu
• Event Logs Opens the Event Log window, allowing users to view a list of events for Panel A or Panel B or
system. Events are listed in order of occurrence, starting with the most recent.
• Breakers Updates the status of all branch breakers for the selected panel in the Breaker Status area.
• Subfeeds Updates the status of all subfeed breakers for the selected panel in the Breaker Status area.
Dump Menu
• Readings Downloads a .csv file with main breaker, branch circuit breaker and subfeed readings. The file
may be viewed with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
• Event Log Downloads a .csv file with the event log stored on the BCB. The file may be viewed with a
spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
• Configuration Downloads a .txt file with the configuration file stored on the BCB. The file includes scaling data,
Panelboard A and B configurations, branch circuit values and CT ratio settings.
Alarms Menu
Choose one of three options—Raw, Filtered or Latched—to specify how alarms are displayed.
Note that alarms sent over Modbus are latched independent of changes performed in the Alarms menu.
• Raw The raw alarm state is the instantaneous state of the alarm. It is not filtered and has no
hysteresis. When Raw is selected, an alarm is active whenever the latest reading exceeds the
setpoint and is cleared as soon as the reading returns to a level within the setpoint range.
• Filtered The filtered alarm uses the hysteresis interval to suppress transient alarms. A filtered alarm is
cleared after the alarm condition remains cleared for longer than the hysteresis interval.
• Latched Latched alarms behave like filtered alarms that get stuck on. A latched alarm stays active until
the alarm is manually cleared.
• Clear All Clears all latched alarms for the selected panel. Any alarm condition that is still active is latched
again after the hysteresis interval passes.
Help Menu
• About Displays information about Liebert Distribution Monitoring.
Menu options