
Now that you have installed the system, you can
test the system to verify it is ready for customer
delivery. Follow the steps below to test the
system for proper operation.
a. With the TracPhone system powered on,
restart the customer’s networked
b. Make sure the control unit display indicates
the system is “Online.”
c. If the customer has activated the TracPhone
system for mini-VSAT Broadband service,
verify that the system can access the Internet.
(Enter any common website address (URL)
into the browser.)
d. If the customer has activated the TracPhone
system for VoIP service, also verify that you
can place a VoIP call via the TracPhone
system. (Using any telephone connected to
the MTA, place a call to someone on a
terrestrial or cellular network and ask that
person to call you back at the customer’s
VoIP number.)
e. Even if the customer has not yet activated the
TracPhone system for mini-VSAT Broadband
service, you can still check the modem’s
communications to the land-based hub. Open
the web browser on any networked computer
and enter the corresponding web address for
the currently tracked satellite:
Verify that the hub’s test web page appears in
the browser (similar to the page shown in
Figure 45). Run the speed test on this page
several times and ensure it reports within
70% of advertised speeds, on average.
NOTE: KVH-certified dealers can find the latest
hub information on the KVH Partner Portal.
Satellite Tracked: Use Web Address:
22°W (NSS7)
72°W (AMC6)
8°W (Atlantic Bird2)
Figure 44: Technician Testing the TracPhone V7 System
Figure 45: Hub Test Web Page
Test the System