Pin No.
Name Description
11 PTOA PTT signal output. “L” : PTT on, “H” : PTT off
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
12 DETO Detected signal output. DC coupled. Zo ≤ 100Ω
Wide : 0.8Vp-p typ., Narrow : 0.7Vp-p typ.
(Standard modulation)
13 NC Non connection.
14 NC Non connection.
CN701 (To voice scrambler)
MIC signal input (Capacitor-coupled). Zin = 100kΩ
2 TXO MIC signal output (Capacitor-coupled). Zo = 1kΩ
Wide : 85mVp-p typ., Narrow : 85mVp-p typ.
(Standard modulation)
Audio signal input (Capacitor-coupled). Zin = 27kΩ
Wide : 1.3Vp-p typ., Narrow : 1.1Vp-p typ.
(Standard modulation)
Scrambler control signal output. “L” : On, “H” : Off
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
5 BC1 Scrambler code signal output 1.
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
6 BC2 Scrambler code signal output 2.
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
7 BC3 Scrambler code signal output 3.
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
8 BC4 Scrambler code signal output 4.
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
9NC Non connection.
10 NC Non connection.
11 RXO Audio signal output. DC coupled. Zo ≤ 100Ω
Wide : 1.3Vp-p typ., Narrow : 1.1Vp-p typ.
(Standard modulation)
12 PTOS TX signal output. “L” : TX, “H” : Not TX
L ≤ 0.05V, H ≥ 4.6V/30kΩ load
13 8C
8V. (CN700 No.10 + CN701 No.13 = 100mA Max.)
14 E Ground.
CN703 (To Display unit A/2)
1ME MIC ground.
2 MIC MIC signal input.
3E Ground.
4 RESET Reset signal output.
5 TXD Serial data output.
Pin No.
Name Description
6 RXD Serial data input.
7E Ground.
8 PSW Power switch control signal input.
9SB Power output after power switch (13.6V±15%).
10 IRS BTL output for remote speaker output.
11 ES2 BTL output for remote speaker output.
CN704 (To ACC 6-pin connector)
1 IRS Remote speaker switch.
2 ES1 BTL output for external speaker A.
3 ES2 BTL output for external speaker A.
4 OS1 BTL output for external speaker B (PA).
5 OS2 BTL output for external speaker B (PA).
6 IGN Ignition sense input.
J700 (ACC 25-pin)
1NC Non connection.
2 RXD2 * Serial data input 2. RS-232C level. Input voltage
range = ±30V max. L ≤ 0.4V, H ≥ 2.4V. Zi ≥ 5kΩ
3 TXD2 * Serial data output 2. RS-232C level.
L ≤ –5V, H ≥ 5V/3kΩ load. Zo ≤ 2kΩ
4 AO3 Auxiliary output 3 (Programmable). Active low
open collector (100mA max.) (Default none).
L ≤ 0.3V
5DI Data signal input (Capacitor-coupled).
6 MI2 External MIC input (Capacitor-coupled).
7E Ground.
8 AO2 Auxiliary output 2 (Programmable). Active low
with 10kΩ pull-up to 5V (100mA max.) (Default
none). L ≤ 0.3V, H ≥ 4.8V
9 TXD3 ** Serial data output 3.
L ≤ 0.7V, H ≥ 4.2V/25kΩ load. Zo ≤ 1kΩ
10 RXD3 ** Serial data input 3.
Input voltage range = +5/0 max. L ≤ 0.8V, H ≥ 4.2V.
11 E Ground.
12 AI4 Auxiliary input 4 (Programmable). Active low
with 47kΩ pull-up to 5V (Default none).
L ≤ 0.8V, H ≥ 2.5V
13 AI2 Auxiliary input 2 (Programmable). Active low
with 47kΩ pull-up to 5V (Default none).
L ≤ 0.8V, H ≥ 2.5V