Cylinder Head
Cylinder Compression Measurement
.Drain coolant (see Cooling System chapter)
.Remove the following.
Radiator (see Cooling System chapter)
Camshafts (see this chapter)
Oil Hose (Cylinder Head)
Engine Mounting Bracket Bolts, Nuts (Cylinder Head)
.Remove the cylinder head bolts and take off the cylinder
0 Use the battery which is fully charged.
.Warm up the engine thoroughly.
.Remove the following.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel System chapter)
Surge Tank (see Fuel System chapter)
Spark Plugs
.Attach the compression gauge and adapter (special
tools) firmly into the spark plug hole.
I nstal/ation
.Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the follow-
.Install the new cylinder head gasket with a new one.
.When the engine is mounted on the frame, install the
chain guide (rear side) into the cylinder head, and
tighten the mounting bolt to the specified torque (see
Exploded View) .
.Beforehand install the chain guide into the cylinder
.Tighten the following bolts to the specified torque (see
Exploded View).
Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt (rear side)
Cylinder Head Bolts
Camshaft Cap Bolts
Upper Chain Guide Bolts
Oil Hose Mounting Bolts
Engine Mounting Bolts
.Tighten the cylinder head bolts following the tightening
A. Compression Gauge: 57001-221
B. Adapter: 57001 -1317
.Hold the throttle wide open and crank the engine with
the starter.
.When the gauge stops rising, stop cranking and read the
Cylinder Compression
Usable Range:
686 -1 079 kPa @330 r/min (rpm)
(7.0 -11.0 kg/cm2. 99 -156 psi)
.Install the chain guide (front side)
*If cylinder compression is higher than the specified
range, check the following.
O Carbon build-up on the cylinder head combustion
OCarbon build-up on the piston head
* If cylinder compression is lower than the specified
range, check the following.
O Valve not seating properly
O Piston/cylinder clearance excessive
O Gas leakage around the cylinder head gasket
O Valve clearance too small
O Piston ring/piston ring groove clearance